Sunday, July 27, 2008

Attn: Lawrence

If you wish to have any of your comments published please reply to this blogpost.
If they have any point other than telling us how many top lawyers you know or how you are connected in ways we couldn't even understand (we can understand but simply don't care) the we may consider publishing but be aware. This blog is now the property of ACA and it is NOT a democracy. It is a dictatorship.


Anonymous said...

This is one of the greatest things on the net at the moment. Keep it going.

Anonymous said...

Could you guys publish some of Lawrence's retort? It would be interesting to get a sense of how he is handling this. I find that in general Americans, and I assume Lawrence is an American, do not handle fascist takeovers particularly well. It never hurts to test an assumption such as this one.... for all I know Lawrence has bowed down to the wil of his captors?

OmegaSucks said...

Negative on that one.

Until 'Lawrence' decides to stop being a total prick and threatening legal action about 'cyber terrorism' regarding his blog (as if) and stops constantly spamming comments about his revenge fantasies we'll be remaining 'unamerican' and suppressing his right to free speech.

Because we are cunts.

Anonymous said...

No no I think you misunderstand the intention behind my request. My beef is not that you guys are taking over the blog, this type of crptofascist behavoir has its place on the net, I am sure Lawrence triggered it in some fashion.... I just think it would be ahhh how would you say?.... amusing! (thats the word I want) to hear some of what he must be saying as this situation progresses.

Some of his threats must be quite juicy and uplifting? Has he threatend your firstborn for example?

OmegaSucks said...

No. Only our second born.

Anonymous said...

reborn you sheepfuckers

OmegaSucks said...

We posted this latest 'hilarious' insult since 'Lawrence' has included in it a link his new blog. Which is really, really shitty and contains almost nothing.

Don't worry 'Lawrence' when we get bored we will give you this one back.