Sunday, June 29, 2008

Bullshido = why Matt Thornton is wrong

The Bullshido cult's messiah is Matthew Thornton. He's not their leader, Phro$$$t is, but he is their god. This is because my friend Matt is highly articulate and a BJJ black belt. All BJJ Blue Belts and above are demigods in Bullshido doctrine.

You see, Bullshido is desperate for external validation, and association with unrelated but successful martial artists provides this validation. As Matt once told me over a beer "The image motivated Martial Artist will always require certificates, uniforms, lineage, ritual, hierarchy, titles, and most importantly, an AUDIENCE that is willing to play along with the image.". Lets check that list off:

Certificates: Bullshido investigations place a great emphasis on certification

Uniforms: Some Bullshido cult members wear skank Thai shorts 24-7.

Lineage: BJJ is the most lineage obsessed art in the universe. People say that BJJ is measured on performance but this is pure bullsh$t, it is measured by how far removed you are from a Gracie, i.e. how much you will pay towards some has been Brazilian scumbag's next failed film project.

Ritual: Sucking Omega's cock in public is required. Failure to do so results in an army of lesser cult members following you around the forum saying "Fail" and "Faggot" a lot.

Hierarchy: Supporting member , Sponsor, Forum leader, Admin, Phro$$$t, BJJ Blue Belt

Titles: "I will travel to beat your ass", "Fite ducker", "Professional fighter", "instructor", "BJJ Brown" etc.

AUDIENCE: Hey watch me I am so important

So where did Matt go wrong? Well Matt is one of my best friends but I will say this; his job is selling BJJ and his brand of coaching which he calls "Aliveness". Like many image driven martial artists Matt loves to sing the virtues of his approach and ignore the bits that don't quite add up. Being a wordsmith he loves nothing more than spinning some complex crap on the internet and then jerking off in amusement as hundreds of BJJ cult members buy the effluence of his outpouring. This is how Matt gets his kicks, his all important external validation.

In his desperation to sell his concept, Matthew makes the fundamental mistake that sparring counteracts the ego. This is obviously nonsense as sparring or "rolling" is a common form of validation, particularly in the Bullshido doctrine.

I'll let Matt have the last word: "PEOPLE are ATTRACTED to THINGS that CONFIRM and IMAGE they WANT to have of THEMSELVES, that's why Bullshido videos its light contact throw downs and makes out that they are hardcore combat" (Matt).


Anonymous said...

Oh man, keep the comedy coming. This is brilliant humor.

Anonymous said...

SGBi for life

Anonymous said...

bjj will always beat kung fu

TMA = wasted years

KUNG FU = getting mounted and fucked up or worse.. getting chocked off your back.

Matt Thornton said...

To be clear, we have never "talked over beers", I am not a friend of yours, and in fact I have never met you, spoken to you, or even exchanged an e-mail with you.

Whatever point you are attempting to make, it will always be better served if you attempt to make it without being totally dishonest.

Anonymous said...

Here is my response to his BLOG, though I doubt it will show as it requires author approcal to post.

To be clear, we have never "talked over beers", I am not a friend of yours, and in fact I have never met you, spoken to you, or even exchanged an e-mail with you.

Whatever point you are attempting to make, it will always be better served if you attempt to make it without being totally dishonest.

I've done my part, this guy is a complete lunatic. The wonderful world of martial arts!

OmegaSucks said...

Ah JKD..the philosophy created by a TMAist who studied various styles of kung fu.

You cannot rewrite history.

Anonymous said...

the author of this blog is a fucking retard